
Platform core functionality, including access to the platform, scans, applications and projects management and other.
“Degraded” status means that some of the services are not operating as usual.


  1. Prozent Verfügbarkeit
  2. Gemeldete Ereignisse

Aktueller Verlauf

Keine Probleme seit 6 Tagen!
Service Degraded
EU-CheckmarxOne Services / EU-CheckmarxOne-Prod-Platform
Keine Probleme seit einem Tag!
Service degradated
EU-CheckmarxOne Services / EU-CheckmarxOne-Prod-Platform
Keine Probleme seit 19 Tagen!
Partial service degradation,
EU-CheckmarxOne Services / EU-CheckmarxOne-Prod-Platform
Keine Probleme seit einem Tag!
Service Degradation
EU-CheckmarxOne Services / EU-CheckmarxOne-Prod-Platform